My name is Adrian Parraga, I was born on december 26, 2000 in Sucumbios- Lake sour, I`m 16 years old yet, my parents separated before I was born from that moment my mom moved to Santo Domingo with me and my older sister, then a few years ago he joined Walter who is now my stepfather. He had two daughthers, now I have 3 sisters. My studies began in the educational unit Charles Darwin of the second grade of basic until seventh grade. then I started the school in "fe y alegria " high school and enjoy until the thenth grade of basic, the district I tranferred to the "Julio Moreno Espinosa" high school where I study from first of baccalaureate. I`m a vey humble and sociable person and very resonsable, I`m also curious. I hope to finish my studies and become someone in life.
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